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Red heads blondes brunettes

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What's everyone's preference. I'm Doing a project to win a 100$ argument. If I win and am correct i'll donate $50 of it to the forums. 


story behind the argument goes, 

Girlfriend: do you think blonde red head or brunette's are hotter?

me: you're a brunette so apparently you already know. 

(she then goes on a huge rant about blonds being dumb redheads too freckly and brunettes are the shit..)

I responded with a google search of the most appealing color and stated the "facts"

she then says "you know a lot of people, start calling them, texting them and doing your little forum thingy. I'll bet you 100$ that ________'s are the winners."

(of course I disagreed because I want a chance to actually get some of my money back xD!!!)

so here it is everyone... Blondes? redheads? or brunettes.  andddddd GO

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