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Racism in AC [Cotton]

Should Cotton be able to be in AC?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Cotton be able to be in AC?

    • Yes - If you are offended by racism avoid it
    • No - Racism should not be tolerated

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2 minutes ago, Allu x said:

So firstly. I'm glad you have brought this up because i hate racism. My friends are black and they got bullied throughout school and i think this is ridiculous with what he came out with. Alot of people was disgusted and voiced there opinions. I hope a good system gets put in place for this to not happen again. All it takes is for 1 guy to say it that can influence more people. Cotton you was alright but past 2 weeks ive just avoided you because i hate the N word. Anyways that's my opinion hopefully something can change..

http://www.rs-ac.com/index.php?/topic/6492-acdmm-warning-system/ nice allu nice super mod powers congrats..

http://www.rs-ac.com/index.php?/topic/6617-anonymous-community-rules-regulations/ wheres stating opinions super mods, did anyone else ban others for doing the same as me no, unfair treating.. lol and this first link is nice too


and so i shouldnt even be banned cause i never got a warning so really, i cant wait to see how this dumb drunk kid feels

keep abusing powers and see where it goes 

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3 minutes ago, cotton said:

http://www.rs-ac.com/index.php?/topic/6492-acdmm-warning-system/ nice allu nice super mod powers congrats..

http://www.rs-ac.com/index.php?/topic/6617-anonymous-community-rules-regulations/ wheres stating opinions super mods, did anyone else ban others for doing the same as me no, unfair treating.. lol and this first link is nice too


and so i shouldnt even be banned cause i never got a warning so really, i cant wait to see how this dumb drunk kid feels

1) Im sober and i never abuse my powers, I help people out everyday and new people coming into AC are not happy and i wouldn't be surprised if they left because of you.

2) I never abuse my power   (You got kicked because you tried to record) DtFjifA.png

3) I never banned you Py5yr2w.png


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doesnt matter you and your butt buddies provoked "dan" to ban me with no warning so if youre going to be a mod follow the rules that were made, and even if i was at my 3rd warning its been over 30mins and you and your friends are breaking rules and abusing mod powers.

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Just now, cotton said:

doesnt matter you and your butt buddies provoked "dan" to ban me with no warning so if youre going to be a mod follow the rules that were made, and even if i was at my 3rd warning its been over 30mins and you and your friends are breaking rules and abusing mod powers.

I swear on my daughters life, I never told Dan to ban you. Less talking about me im not the racist.

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1 minute ago, Allu x said:

I swear on my daughters life, I never told Dan to ban you. Less talking about me im not the racist.

no worries i dont care what anyone thinks because i didnt go against ac rules super mods did.. so goodluck with whatever youre trying to prove

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i dont think he should be in a.c the way i heard him talk even saying i dont cared if i get kicked i really dont see him helping this community at all disrespectfull lil kid who lives with there parents.....

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1 hour ago, Please Rush said:

@Speed Addict Stop saying the N word Speed

I Believe rules will be Adjusted accordingly soon

1 hour ago, 1st place said:

its a fucking joke how someone could hate a person so much for  the color of their skin...

Understandable, we are all the same on the inside

1 hour ago, Bwuk Im AC said:

I completely back Dom with this, racism legit needs to stop in the teamspeak we all come in there to chillout and have a good environment and we'll all tired of hearing the racist slurs, religion bashing and etc, we're all team and we're all working towards one goal, why continue to say something when someone is obviously offended by it, Dom stated he wasn't okay with it and then he continues to say "Okay i dont give a fuck this is a nigger free teamspeak" like what the fuck... none of that is okay and it should be brought up and dealt with properly.


1 hour ago, oh thank you said:

Based off my opinion this is the internet, and their is a lot of people in this clan who are trolls and who are disrespectful at that. Cotton is a troll yet so are a lot of us. Since the start of this DMM clan people have been throwing "nigger" around. I personally don't care because of two reasons.

1- being its not offending anyone or being specifically used towards someone. Most of the time i hear it, people just randomly say it out of no where.

2-they are just being trolls. At the end of the day he is who he is, and if he is racist their is little you can do

I think he should stay he is a +1 to our community and is a cool guy, he is just trolly like most people in here. 

I do agree it should stop, and dealt with. "Perfect time to use the warning system".

We "should" respect one another as clan m8's

1 hour ago, Tuiala said:

You were the one I specifically noticed, the one who claimed the AC TeamSpeak is meant to be "nigger-free", and tried to make sense of hating all black people because of your hatred for Obama. I'm done replying to you though.


1 hour ago, Allu x said:

So firstly. I'm glad you have brought this up because i hate racism. My friends are black and they got bullied throughout school and i think this is ridiculous with what he came out with. Alot of people was disgusted and voiced there opinions. I hope a good system gets put in place for this to not happen again. All it takes is for 1 guy to say it that can influence more people. Cotton you was alright but past 2 weeks ive just avoided you because i hate the N word. Anyways that's my opinion hopefully something can change..

So basically here is what I have to my understanding, there has been lots of racism, religion slurrs on TS. evem though sometimes it may be a joke or not, people find this shit offensive. Now what I believe the rules will be adjusted accordingly because this is effecting our clan in a negative way. I've talked to sp33dy20 about different scenarios, and we want a good clean positive environment. As far as i'm aware it's all here say as I will not be apart of negative discussions like this. I myself will not be taking action, i'm not saying anyone is right or wrong, but based on reading everything my justification will have to be resulted in the higher chain of command, a super mod or the leader himself. I would definitely like to take action, and i'm also not blaming anyone for anything, there are people who do this everyday, because no one speaks up so it's like a virus it grow, and grows until it gets out of hand. I will hopefully be able to bring staff together for discussions about having everything on a positive note, but at this time I can't take any action as I have to be on a ship in less then a few hours. 

Edited by Land Fox
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1 hour ago, Allu x said:

So firstly. I'm glad you have brought this up because i hate racism. My friends are black and they got bullied throughout school and i think this is ridiculous with what he came out with. Alot of people was disgusted and voiced there opinions. I hope a good system gets put in place for this to not happen again. All it takes is for 1 guy to say it that can influence more people. Cotton you was alright but past 2 weeks ive just avoided you because i hate the N word. Anyways that's my opinion hopefully something can change..

Exactly, shame to have to just try to avoid racism,  As it usually isn't possible.

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i agree that i said raciest things, i did say nigger i did say this is a niggers only chat after he was trying to say that "this is a community not something to be raciest about" and after i said it along others which many others do and have said it, i still went to the channel to apologized because everyone did it, and sticky told me to stop and you know try and do the right thing etc, so i went down and as soon as i went down i started getting yelled at, yeah what i did is wrong but it takes balls to own up to it when no1 else did it, especially that i went to his channel to say it vocally not through text, then we all got together to speak about why im raciest and it obviously made things worse but after it all we made an agreement that i would stop doing it. then i thought it was solved then king came to talk to me saying i should change my outlook on things and he understood how i felt, and where i came from, im only 19 and sometimes i dont think and i choose the wrong actions, but where im getting at is i saw the vote from the person i offended and i actually realized that i am hurting the community or atleast some of it, and i want to man up and say sorry to all the people i offended , and to show that i really mean it, im willing to change IGN, and my forums name because i believe it makes it seem like im more raciest, but i really just named myself cause i vape, which most of you know and i wont say racial slurs against others, most people know me as a chill person and i got off on the wrong foot with many others just because of today, so i want a chance to actually say sorry to the people i offended and put myself in a different position , but not in any position a position to help aid other members of any race not just my own and to actually chill and talk with these members, and if you want me to be extremely honest the reasons i stated were not my actually reasons why i was raciest, they added to me and just got me mad everytime i thought about my money getting taken away, the real reason why i was. was because i live in NYC and when i worked i was the only white person on the team in fields of like 30+ people working with me and i would get picked on cause i was white, and its just a burning hate inside me to others cause im white and i get picked on in a construction field meanwhile u said most of our population is white and it just doesnt make sense to me why i would get picked on or that there was no other person in a different race who would defend me, it still happens today and im 19 about to be 20 so for 4 1/2 years im still getting shitted on, so im sorry for taking it out on you guys, b4 al left i would take him to a private room and tell him anything that would stress me out which is a surprise to me or all of us that he did what he did and so now i would like to put it all on the table of why i really say what i say and that im sorry that i did it but i wont anymore i just really need some cool members to talk to about it, cause obviously in any channel im the center of attention to get shit on even if its little jokes , sp33dy knows, he can tell u , he said 1 thing and got me upset and he was like oh yeah your one of those sensitive ones which i am which also adds on to this , i apologize and i hope everyone read what i said dont scroll through it, ill accept any penalty that is deserved ..

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