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From my point of view, in recent events of organizational quality, and strategy a new rank has been established to enhance the quality of AC as a whole, to increasing our clan or group if you will to a whole new level. Basically I’ll reiterate what sp33dy20 has said, and a link will be posted to give anyone who hasn’t seen it an idea of the new rank, what we are about. We as “council” shall not be seen as a higher authority, but rather as a guidance, support, or mentors. I’m basically making this thread as a support desk for all information regarding any anything that can help past, present, and future members become better members of the AC community, or even the DMM community. Below will be a list of QA’s that collectively will be added over time. The Council and staff will have discussions in which case anything brought up to further support the clan will be added to this thread. We are here to make sure everything goes according for the clans best interest. 


If the community has any ideas, or constructive criticism that can improve/enhance this topic feel free to join in, anything, and everything that will help the entirety of this community is always welcome. Note: Some answers will be provided as links, because that question may have already been answered by another member of AC. 
Disclaimer: Because this public topic, information regarding exact methods or strategies of AC will not be provided, that information is classified.

Q’S&A's (Updated Weekly)

Q.How do I become a part of Ac?
A. http://www.rs-ac.com/index.php?/topic/6863-become-a-part-of-ac/

Q.What Are the requirements for joining AC?

Q.How Do I Join TS?
A. A link will be provided...

Q. How do I get more involved in the community?
A. http://www.rs-ac.com/index.php?/topic/9746-how-do-i-get-more-involved-in-the-community/

* Continued work in progress

Edited by Land Fox
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