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Dead Pole's DMM history

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So I thought why not make a history from my dmm plays since day 1 to now just to let ya boyz know more of me :)

So here's a pic of me in the first day of DMM grinding fletching out trying to get #1

was about 76 fletch here


Being the first person with 80 fletch and first ever MSB (sparc mac was waiting to buy the first msb)


the 2nd this kid makes a vid of me losing 2m when missclicking on teamcape (retard lost the whole bank on stream the day after, karma)


Here's the 3rd day rebuilding and made x2 from what i lost DMM me making msbs and selling for 7k and they were like 15k couple hours before this pic


My bank at the end of the 2nd day, fletch lvl was like 90 here (one of the richest players, when dmm to 07 rates were 1:22)



and then the 4th day people kept suiciding me without losing anything so I noted those who suicided me with msb and never sold to them. Finally got 99 fletching after a long day of grinding and the pic is taken in the morning of 5th day when my friend zerosopp passed me.



first pk trip with First Legion my ex clan. I was the highest range about 88 I believe and had the most kills


2nd week getting 99 range at wyverns


all of this was from the first day to 3rd week of DMM when I had the most fun.

Thanks for reading and y'all should make a thread showing ur history from day 1

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