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Well after losing my bank on dmm to something a bit faulty(30m+ bank) i think it's time for me to call it quits, shit happens and i'm not too salty anymore, had a good time at AC but i think the journeys pretty much over for me on dmm, i might stop by and pop my head in TS but other than that im pretty much done, i was debating quitting or staying because of work and school and now i just kinda just got pushed over the edge now, usually i wouldn't make a post about quitting seeing that it's like an attention grabber and people love to grab attention but i just met a lot of people on here and i'd thought i'd let them know rather than leave them in the dark, thanks everyone who's offered donations and such but keep your money and don't make stupid mistakes such as mine i guess, goodluck with dmm and the clan everyone, love y'all, peace out.

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8 minutes ago, Bwuk Im AC said:

Well after losing my bank on dmm to something a bit faulty(30m+ bank) i think it's time for me to call it quits, shit happens and i'm not too salty anymore, had a good time at AC but i think the journeys pretty much over for me on dmm, i might stop by and pop my head in TS but other than that im pretty much done, i was debating quitting or staying because of work and school and now i just kinda just got pushed over the edge now, usually i wouldn't make a post about quitting seeing that it's like an attention grabber and people love to grab attention but i just met a lot of people on here and i'd thought i'd let them know rather than leave them in the dark, thanks everyone who's offered donations and such but keep your money and don't make stupid mistakes such as mine i guess, goodluck with dmm and the clan everyone, love y'all, peace out.

Hey man, I lost my osrs and dmm account.  It was rough for me like you, I was unmotivated, pissed off, and wanted to quit as well.  Started my account around 6 days ago from nothing, and now I'm at 196 Quest Points and nearly 1000 Total level.  My dmm account is now separate from my OSRS, and it's nearing 82 range atm.  I just needed a day or two to relax it off, but I know you're strong bud :)

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3 minutes ago, Land Fox said:

get on the grind and before you know it you're rebuilt, never give up I died twice on my alt from simple mistakes.

don't feel like grinding over and over and over non stop hours to get all that i had back again, worked hard to get it and lost it to some bullshit so i have no motivation

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