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The future of deadman mode


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My predictions are as soon as seasonals are release deadman will dwindle until seasonal is over, people will then realise they don't want to grind every three months for seasonals and most will just come back to original deadman.

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deadman killed darkscape and seasonal will definitely kill deadman even though its already dead l0l


expect worlds to be cut down to 2 or 3 pretty soon

the excuse that new years is the reason player count is so low is bullshit. The rest of 07 would have low numbers, but they dont.

Edited by ice bankboys
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2 hours ago, ice bankboys said:

deadman killed darkscape and seasonal will definitely kill deadman even though its already dead l0l


expect worlds to be cut down to 2 or 3 pretty soon

the excuse that new years is the reason player count is so low is bullshit. The rest of 07 would have low numbers, but they dont.

2 days ago each world was over 250 people, its new years its not an excuse haha

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to an extent, this server will dwindle down to the good hybriders/teams. multi pking will still have its rag gear and singles will have its max gear. with the launch of the seasonal servers, it will bring endless content to dmm and those servers wont have a chance to die down.

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I haven't been on 2 weeks, or looked at the population count.  But from what i notice being back, it's lost about 1/4 - 1/2 of its players in those 2weeks

I hope it doesn't die, 07 getting boring.

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