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The future of deadman mode


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In 2 weeks can you imagine the price of sharks or even how hard it will to find items you want?? Deadman mode is dying and if you don't see it your blind. I was 122 in darkscape and trust me if was fun while it lasted for 2 months and the same is happening for deadman. When darkscape was dying (it lasted longer cause of a ge) items went skyrocket to the roof. Eventually you couldn't even get certain items and you had to downgrade your gear or get the supplies.


My idea: Honestly if you are rich in this stage of the game I will recommend you to hoarde on any items you will need. Eventually prices will be so high it will just be pointless to pvm or pvp. (Unless you are killing a max main which in that case good luck and YOLO!!)


My prediction:  I estimate in about 20-25 days there population will be so low and basically to the point there won't be anybody worth killing. I mean say you kill a lvl 80 with full black hides or a guy in mystic. It will come to the point were it will be better to alch the gear then to sell it.


I really hope my prediction is wrong because I love this game mode and I can't wait for the new season and the hype train of people bringing in resources. This was my 2 cents and if there were any errors or the format was bad I wrote this on my cell was kinda hard haha. Good luck scaping my A.C. Fam!!

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Agree completely which is why I quir 2 weeks ago. If you are rich on deadman mode i advise you to switch it to 07 then use that to swap back to seasonal deadman to get a good start. Deadman is hardly streamed by streamers anymore because there is nobody left to kill. People say its not dead but you obviously dont pk much in single.

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I rlly feel like it might be dying too and im scared i wont get ready in time to enjoy the game but ive got hope that maybe things might just stabilise eventually and deadman will continue pretty good. like Allu said tho its unpredictable so well have to wait and see.

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07 gets pretty boring when you are maxed and GE standing... DMM is where the actual pkers are... fuck pking on 07 and barely getting any loot, or just wasting supplies on pk trips and having people tele away...

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