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Notation on people pking alone (Unplanned)

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I’ve notice people going out to find skulled or do things alone, just because rot is gone doesn’t mean there aren’t any other pkers. The reason I don’t recommend this is because you’ll end up in a sticky situation just like the other day when a player in AC lost his dark bow, not due to dieing but due to lack of planning. Planning is key to surviving, and not losing items or at least keeping it at minimal risk. Members, Intros, Friends need to stop going out hunting by themselves because what will happen is a team will attack you, then you’ll call for backup, some of us are doing other things I.E I’m alching, and can’t pk at this time as I’m working on my alt so I can’t help you. You can’t always expect to get saved in the nick of time because sometimes it doesn’t happen.
If you put yourself in a sticky situation then I believe you have to face the repercussions of that situation. Example Below:

Player A: Hey There is a skulled so….&so… here someone kill him.
Ts: On our away.
Player A proceeds to attack, or attempt to kill said person, then a clan is now on him.
Due to the lack of planning the few players are now risking their stats/banks to save player A who put himself in the situation. Player A escapes, now the other members are struggling to survive. Due to lack of planning they ended up in a sticky situation.
Note: Sometimes I run to barb without scouting “highrisk”, if I get attacked by a clan I’ll try and tank it, but I won’t call the clan to risk losing members. Going on a pk trip, and just having a spontaneous trip can be the difference from us getting cleared, and not cleared whether or not it was a sanctioned trip or not.
If you’re going to do something, that may out you in a situation, and risk the lives of other members don’t do it, we look out for each other, but if you at it in 3rd person, would you rather lose 1 op or 5 ops who tried to save your ass.

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Just sounds like one big excuse...

No one expects people with singles unprotected stats and gear to go help, but multi pkers (especially alts w muled supplies) should make an effort to assist.  After all, isn't that what being in a clan is all about?

I am very disappointed with such a sheer lack of concern by a few of our clan members when members are in trouble.

Personally,  I don't bother calling for general help anymore - and when I do, it is only to a few friends in this clan. As a multi pking clan, we should have at least a few members willing to help tag pkers off in low/medium risk zones.

Maybe we should consider recruiting a group for this cause... Will go a long way to showing the fabric of this clan, and will help with our public reputation.  We should never leave clan members out to die, unless it is completely unavoidable!

And taking the time to justify our ongoing inaction and lack of anti pking preparedness is saddening...we are better than this!























Edited by play ranges
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