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Killing Bots in Ardy (Thieving Bots)

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*disclaimer - This method is not very effective any more*

A few weeks back i tried to come up with a plan on killing the pickpocketing bots @ ardy after their surge following the penalties induced on suiciding. When suiciding in safe zones, you are no longer able to get the bank key while frozen, and it disappears whenever you die, making a teleport back impossible. 

To resolve this, i took a level 3 bonded account, banked 1 mind rune, and got my suiciding account 5 bank keys, which would in turn force the bank of the botters to drop to the ground. When i started this method, the botters were around 20 hp, and now almost every single bot has a minimum of 40 hp. With 53 attack and strength (perfect amount to get 3 kills before re-training), i managed to kill somewhere around 15 bots, the last 8 or so being with the 5 key method. In total, i profited somewhere around 4m, losing only 1 gmaul in the process. All the training on this account was done while training my main, making it basically free money.


This method still works, but the bots have begun to mule their cash every trip. Although it was a lot of fun, this really opened my eyes on just how much gold is coming in to our system via bots. These bots are pulling millions out every single day, and there are at least 30 bots on each world. 

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Quite hard to kill them, heard about the 5 key method so their shit drops on the floor. And you can just tp back and pick up stuff, I heard it can be profitable.

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