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V Adultman's Application

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Singles Team Application


Stats (Picture): 




108 Combat.


Why You Want to Join: 


As much as I enjoy multi pking, the singles team interests me a lot more.  I'm much more inclined to risk gear and go for larger targets with a group I can trust and pk in spots the multi mass can't go.  I want to get the name out there and take down individual members of Tata, Vel, etc, the big bank loots and set them back.  



Prior Singles Experience: 

I did pure pking for a few years, mostly range/gmaul stuff but got a little into hybridding.  I'm supplementing that with private server practice and am enjoying getting better at it.  Still working on my F-keys but it's certainly better than before.


EDIT: Retracting the application.  Died and need to rebuild from scratch.  Maybe I'll have some fun killing lower levels in the meantime.

Edited by V Adultman
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