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Personal AC NMZ prod account for imbues

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I will be making a NMZ account that helps you get the maximum number of points during your runs for imbues. There are multiple people out there who would love to get imbues, but since they quested more than they should have, it is quite hard to get the right monsters to spawn and you use way too many supplies. 

I personally will be making an AC ONLY nmz account to help aid members who want to get imbues. I know in a month or two, most of us will be close to max with max gear and the imbues will help aid a max hit or accuracy. 

The quests you will NEED to have done to access this are:

Tree gnome village
Lost city
Mountain daughter

Vampire slayer
Fight arena

These quests are fairly easy to get done and the monsters from these quests are the best ones to get the maximum number of points. I.E Slayer helm (i) berserker ring (i) etc etc.

This account is going to be in yanille 24/7 if anyone needs to get these imbues done, it will only have those 5 quests completed so no other monster can spawn.


-Big Al


Edited by Ridicule Me
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You said this is for AC members only, would intros still be able to use this service? will you be charging for this also? I don't mind chucking you like 10-20k each time just wanted to know if theres a price.

Great thing to do none the less.

9 hours ago, Ridicule Me said:

I will be making a NMZ account that helps you get the maximum number of points during your runs for imbues. There are multiple people out there who would love to get imbues, but since they quested more than they should have, it is quite hard to get the right monsters to spawn and you use way too many supplies. 

I personally will be making an AC ONLY nmz account to help aid members who want to get imbues. I know in a month or two, most of us will be close to max with max gear and the imbues will help aid a max hit or accuracy. 

The quests you will NEED to have done to access this are:

Tree gnome village
Lost city
Mountain daughter

Vampire slayer
Fight arena

These quests are fairly easy to get done and the monsters from these quests are the best ones to get the maximum number of points. I.E Slayer helm (i) berserker ring (i) etc etc.

This account is going to be in yanille 24/7 if anyone needs to get these imbues done, it will only have those 5 quests completed so no other monster can spawn.


-Big Al



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