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Hello again everyone!

This thread is for AC clan member services, much like my other thread about the discounts this will strictly be for services. Services can range from quest kits, making herblore potions, guilded altar usage to everything else. The point is to help your clan members get farther in the game

Example -

RSN: Please Rush

Service: One of every raw fish for the Familly Crest Quest

Price: Free

In relation to : Family Crest Quest


1. Don't take advantage of free things or help from other members. So take only what you need.

2. Ask for things within reason.

3. Don't be a dick, the people who are offering their services make the rules.

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10 minutes ago, Please Rush said:

Hello again everyone!

This thread is for AC clan member services, much like my other thread about the discounts this will strictly be for services. Services can range from quest kits, making herblore potions, guilded altar usage to everything else. The point is to help your clan members get farther in the game

Example -

RSN: Please Rush

Service: One of every raw fish for the Familly Crest Quest

Price: Free

In relation to : Family Crest Quest


1. Don't take advantage of free things or help from other members. So take only what you need.

2. Ask for things within reason.

3. Don't be a dick, the people who are offering their services make the rules.

Per sp33dy20, services are at own risk.

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RSN: AC Big Al

Service: 88 Herblore

Price: Free if you have the herb/secondary to make the potion. Otherwise for example if you want me to make a brew and you only have the toadflax, give me the price of the secondary which in this case is a crushed nest (12k ea) that way you will be paying 12k ea per sara brew and I don't lose money on my secondaries in the bank or vice versa with the herb/secondary.

In Relation to: Pots

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RSN: KingTheGreat

Service: Cooking of Raw Lobster/Swordfish/Shark

Price: 50 GP per 1 Lobster/75 GP Per 1 Swordfish/100 GP per 1 Shark 

In relation to : Cooking

(Sorry that I am not doing it for free, I am low on cash and I am using my time to cook for y'all instead of training.)

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