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Star Wars Rant.

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Just saw the star wars movie, I have to get my opinion out there.

Everything in this movie was OKAY, not really blown away like everybody has told me. I wasn't expecting some 2015 type shit where they throw in jokes and shit here and there, I was expecting the OG star wars from the past that has no games in it, simply the true star wars.

BUT WHAT REALLY PISSED ME OFF, how in the living fuck does Kyler Ren or Jen, the almighty final evil apprentice of all the dark side... get his god damn fucking ass whooped by some girl who was never heard or seen the force before and has spent her life in a junk yard? Like what the fuck was that bull shit. The guy who has trained his whole life by the true dark lord alien ass mother fucker, young and reckless, kills his own dad by stabbing him while staring him in the eyes and throwing him off the edge, get's his ass BEAT??????

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Just now, Alex said:

Im not racist, but the guy who played Finn was not funny at all, and a terrible actor and only took away from the movie

I didn't think he was funny either, but simply because the jokes or things he did weren't funny in general.

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