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Sp33dy20s Godwar Team. Signup!


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1. Display Name: ATT3

2. Picture of your Combat Level: 123

3. Picture of your Godwar Supplies [No set amount is required at this time]: None need to buy :/

4. How active will you be on to do godwars? Got hole week to it

trying to get my range up now 84 but is it enough to do armadyl or should i just stay on bandos?

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1. Display Name: Darn Its Him
2. Picture of your Combat Level: 117.9
3. Picture of your Godwar Supplies [No set amount is required at this time]:
4. How active will you be on to do godwars?
pretty active, we've got some timezone differences, but i tend to stay up late

also, i have very little experience with godwars, i've been to bandos twice on a pure, so this will all be new to me, though i will assure you that i'm not retarded and i'll get the hang of it soon enough 

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1.Display Name: lKiNG lMiKE


2.Picture of your Combat Level: http://img802.imageshack.us/img802/9346/0rl4.png


3.Picture of your Godwars Supplies: http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/5706/sdm6.png

Need to buy more brews/restores..wasted loads on pk trips lol


4.How active will you be on to do Godwars? Very active. Planning on camping Armadyl till I get Hilt.

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1. Display Name:zerserker
2. Picture of your Combat Level: 111 
3. Picture of your Godwar Supplies [No set amount is required at this time]: prayer pots sharks and super sets
4. How active will you be on to do godwars? as much as i can
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