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Whats the best route for pking stats?


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I am currently sitting at the following stats. I was just wondering what you guys suggest I do for stats for being able to go on Pk trips/raids (if i get intro/accepted)

70 Attack

72 Strength

70 Def

71 Range

43 Prayer ( going to be getting 52 )

82 Magic ( Debating going for ice barrage )

78 HP. 

Currently have magic and HP protected. 

THanks :)


EDIT: I just dont want to invest a ton of time if deadman is going to die. >_< But I am willing to grind some :D

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Honestly, the most effective route is probably mage/melee atm. A barrage into a big spec can be devasting, but on the other hand dark bow can be just as effective. Range is easier to train, but I believe strength is more rewarding.

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  On 12/23/2015 at 6:22 PM, Doug said:

Honestly, the most effective route is probably mage/melee atm. A barrage into a big spec can be devasting, but on the other hand dark bow can be just as effective. Range is easier to train, but I believe strength is more rewarding.


It depends if you are single or multi pking. I would always start with range proected until you are rich enough to get 94 mage. Then comes the melee.

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Should I really go for 75 hp and just protect it? Then go range? I dont mind training range as bone bolts are cheap and its decent exp per  hour. 

Some people say 75 hp isnt good enough, others say 75 is just fine and to go with something else once its insured.

I really have no motivation to do 72 slayer, and wyverns seem risky af right now XD

My current depo box is 5 d scims, v helm, 2x d legs.


I planned on alching to 86 magic, then trying out plank make as its a little less of a loss than alching. But havent decided what route I really want to go right now D:

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I'd prioritize barrage over everything else first. It's the most useful. Even if your other stats aren't great, that one single skill will allow you to be a useful asset in clan fights, because you can get barrage piles.


After that, I'd go for range. Lots of AC pk trips are multi, and it's not always a good idea to run in and try to dds spec someone because they're being barraged. Range / mage easily make the best combination together for multi pking. Melee stats only come in use often when you go to singles.


You definitely need 52 prayer. Smite is a must.


Get HP insurance. You're over 75, you shouldn't be protecting HP anymore. Get the money for it, and then you can protect another stat.


Your defense looks fine, and your attack does too. I'd get 90+ strength before you even worry about other melee stats.

Of course, you can prioritize whatever you want. This is just my opinion. Good luck fam.

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