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Today was not a good day.

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3 hours ago, 1nvis said:

So here is the journey I've had the past 24 hours.


Early am's of this morning. got a staff of the dead split. 'Today's gonna be a good day'

Boy oh boy was I wrong.

After the SOTD I went to sleep and woke up a few hours later and got my 2.7m split.

I invested 1.2m into a black mask and put that in my deposit box, bought other shit leaving me with 1.1m cash. 

I decided to stock up on potions when my dog starts scratching on my door. I get up to open the door, turn around and im in lumbridge. Shit. Luckily enough I wasn't in the safe zone as I must've had auto retaliate on but I'm sure it must have been a big Dbow- Dbolt spec or something along the lines.

Well fuck, there goes 1.5m+. But I have a black mask so everything is cool. I re-build and we mass up to try find tata. We find nobody, and started to raid catherby. We all skulled and were stood outside the bank (not a good idea in the slightest) I then see myself getting speared, straight into the safe zone. Gf 1m+ / 95-94 range. Fuck.

So now the re-build is real. I still have a few D scims in my deposit, and decided to get my melee stats back up from 50-60 (atk str and def) I trained at terrorbirds smoked up, chilled and trained. Was closing in on my 60's When some cockhead level 60 keeps attacking me from outside the safezone. using melee there's nothing I can do but run so that's what i do. This continues so I decide to grab some gear to kill him. not a good idea.

I get my gear out and run out to attack him. I actually almost kill the cunt but he runs away. 'that'll show him' Oh look hes back for more! So I attack him. Only It wasn't him. It was his acc with same name, same gear, same level. but without a skull on his head. Too stupid to notice, I attack him. yep. 94-93 range. 500-600k down the drain.

Yep. Now Rebuildmanmode/trainingmanmode Is in progress. Was a shocking day, Now I need someone to host a lava's trip so all this bad luck will pay off with a juicy drop of some sort. :(



Yesterday I lost 4.6 mil after some guy suicided on me dude I was salty as fuck

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