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Pot maker (no not marijuana)

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Helping the super sexy AC clan


As of right now, I am currently 87 herblore.


I have been asked multiple times from people to make them pots.

This post is a purpose to help people in need of potions.

I request the herb + the secondary needed

For example, If you need prayer pots, simply give me the ranarrs + snape grass and I will make them for you.

Can be anything

Super strs:kwuarm+limp roots

Super att:Irit + Eye of newt

Super energy: Avantoe + Mort myre fungi

Super restore: Snapdragon + red spider egg

Super defence: Cadantine + white berries

Antifires: Lantadyme + blue drag cales

Range Pots: Dwarf weed + Wine of zammy

Sara brews: Toadflax + bird nest 

Anti-Venom: Antidote ++ (From zulrah) + zulrah scales 


If for some reason lets say you have the secondary and not the herb, i will charge the price of the x herb or vise versa.

For example if you had a crushed nest for brews but not the toadflax, I would charge 10k for the price of the herb.

I am doing this for the clan and help people, I am sure there is one or two more clan members that do this as well. I am always on teamspeak and if you need me to make pots for you simple add me ingame (Ridicule me) or poke me on teamspeak. 

I want my #AC family to be stocked and loaded for those pk trips.

Lets get it boyss

I can have multiple people vouch for me, I will be getting 99 soon. Thanks you sloots! 

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12 hours ago, Richworth said:

Oehh nice, really need someone to make me super combats O.o

I will be having 90 by the end of the weekend brotha!

9 hours ago, Deadman said:

curious,did you buy a bunch of low level herbs to get the hgih herb? what pots did you make to get to 87? or did that come over time? 

At first, i started to make guam potions. The eyes of newt were cheaper than a pair of crusty sandals. Then i made energy pots, then energy pots all the way to 38. Then the fun began with prayer pots. I made everything with prayer, pure sets, stamina, brews, super energy, etc.

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