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Does it really take 125 kills for 1 pair of Dbewts? Having a 2-hour headstart at KC, I got 1 in 237 KC. While it took Ruhon only 21 lol.


However today, Com. Zily generously donated another SaraSword to the Rebuilder Ruhon on our 2nd kill.

Later on Dandruff was trolled with a GS shard 3. After Dandruff left, the remaining 3 continued to trio for a 3-hr trip.

We killed 69 Commanders. AHH yEH.. In addition we killed the 70th for luck with no armor. It was definitely a long and fun trip. Thanks guys.


Members on this trip: Me Purple, Ruhon the NoLonger Jewhon, Dandruff Shampoo, and  Zach the New Lily Guy


Yesh Speedy missed out GF





2nd kill SS






Our 70th and final lucky kill


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