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My time has come.


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I'm officially quitting DMM. Forgot I had left click where available from pking on and went into bank. Was unfortunate lost a bunch of skills that I cannot be absolutely fucked to get back so this is my farewell. Was fun while it lasted but I just lost too many stats+too much money to want to make it all back, it's simply not worth my time. Enjoy the game fellas I'll probably stick around forums since I enjoy them.


EDIT: I'll be here for the seasonal deadman :)

Edited by Recy
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  On 12/17/2015 at 7:49 AM, Recy said:

I'm officially quitting DMM. Forgot I had left click where available from pking on and went into bank. Was unfortunate lost a bunch of skills that I cannot be absolutely fucked to get back so this is my farewell. Was fun while it lasted but I just lost too many stats+too much money to want to make it all back, it's simply not worth my time. Enjoy the game fellas I'll probably stick around forums since I enjoy them.


EDIT: I'll be here for the seasonal deadman :)


Thats why you should build your account in a way that if you die its not that big of a loss bro, You shouldnt just play to die once and quit the game :s

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