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My recent adventure

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So I had gotten my first big key yesterday and this is the same time that I started my second account that I wanted to use for skilling so I could supply my own potions. I had just gotten my account setup and began buying herbs in vwest, 345 of course. I got to 40 herblore today and as I started autochatting that I was buying herbs, I was getting hundreds of trades. This was all great up until an incident occurred. I had just accepted a trade when all of the sudden I was on the floor dead. I got Dbow spec'd by someone name EiDe, around lvl 120, as I had everything in my inventory. At this point, I had about 1m cash and 1m in herbs. I'm super frustrated, but at the same time, I'm glad because a few of the higher lvl AC members came to slay him. The dbow specs :(

1.6m cash stack.png

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One, congrats. Two, that really sucks. I remember the 2nd week of deadman I was in Yanille (before Castle wars was camped) and I was in the bank when out of nowhere someone teles into the bank skulled somehow and is insta killed by the guards. I was the only one around for a few minutes and the price check said my items were worth 1.8m in total, you do not know how happy I was. But I got pked a 3 days later.

(If you need some starter money, I can help.)

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