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2m+ Imp Loots :)

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Here's my imp count for deadman mode thus far. Guys PM World/Exact Location if you see a dragon imp and I will catch it and split loot 50/50 :-) RSN: Ann Arbor


Also here are some loots from them :)


Above image is from 1 night of camping Puro Puro

This next image is from about 4 hours of Puro Puro 



And here is one inventory (about 45 mins)


And Another :)


Thanks for looking


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8 minutes ago, Night Guy said:

risky business but goot loots!

Yes it's a little risky. But extremely easy to escape pkers. It takes 2-5 seconds to get through each row depending on RNG. So I usually can log out before pkers are in range of me. If not then all I have to do is tank to the first row, as you can't attack across it either way. Also there are tons of different entrances to Puro Puro, so once I get out the probability that they used to same entrance as me is very low.

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