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Guys i have reached 150m and I would like to give some to the clan of AC before i lose it but I am unsure how i could do this. 

Maybe a DROP PARTY, or I'm thinking some kind of event.  Trivia?

Maybe a king of the hill in Wildy Event?

Maybe we can do some kind of photo tagging which wiin prizes?

How about a Secret Santa event of some sort and Ill be santa :D?


Idk please post some suggestion that could actually work. 

I know some people is less fortunate than me in the game so why not give back to the boys that got my back and bring some cheer to the clan.

Council  members please step in and help me i will supply the cash to give back to all the members of AC but we need to think of something good that will be fare and fun for all of us.


I'm thinking this will be a big event:D.



What do you think?



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loim joking, this is what you should do on a new forum post get everyone to enter 1 number  from 1-100 

and use a random number generator and have 28 items in ur invent.... if they win they choose a number in ur inv and what ever 

item they pick.. they win ?

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i say you go buy 28 items of your choice..You put it in your your way.then you pick from which order a person should pick from.if they pick "12" you count to the 12 spot and w/e item it is they get.

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