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dont deadman drunk

AC Raw

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Yeah, I came on the other night pretty wasted, and wanted to go on a trip so I met up with everyone, skulled like an idiot when they had like 5 mins left on their timer and didn't even get the kill
Proceeded to go buy more supplies to go on a members only trip and successfully skulled at vwest 345 trying to trade someone losing a 900k+ cash stack full mystic black dhide glory combat brace 500 deaths/bloods etc. and then went back to varrock and AGAIN FOR A SECOND FUCKING TIME skulled in the safe zone
That being said I called it a night lol, moral of the story

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Yeah I have a "skiller" lol so I have money to rebuild, going to start doing slayer so I can use broads and hopefully I'll start making some more money while doing that
NGL I get paid soon and I'm probably gonna drop like $100 LOL fuck it

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