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B3astly tips for Barrows!

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Hey guys, so I've seen a couple of sick posts of people getting AMAZING drops at barrows. As a result, a lot of people have expressed interest in doing it but many were worried about pkers. 

I'm here to explain the BEST way to escape those pesky pkers around Mort'ton, Burgh de Rott, and Barrows!

1. Understand where you have to run:

When you are this far away from safe zones, there are only 2 ways to escape if a person/clan jumps on you. The first is to hope that they have no completed the quest to Burgh de Rott. This works quite well if you are jumped on by 1 maybe 2 people, but if a huge clan jumps on you(looking at you ROT), chances are someone has the quest completed as well, so you need to try the other option.

The second option is to run straight towards barrows. Don't try and run back to the boat and take it back into the swamps or run the opposite direction towards the nature spirit alter, you are going to die and there is 0% chance of you escaping. Understand that the only way to escape in this case is to run towards barrows and open every barrows brother tunnel until you find yours, if you do find it, run in and tp out. Don't try and continue your trip by just hopping. I've tried to take do this and ended up getting killed on multiple occasions by the same team that just hops around.

2. What happens if you run towards barrows and the team is experienced?

Considering DMM has been out for a month and a half, many people understand how to successfully block you from entering your barrows tunnel. Due to the number of game ticks it requires to enter your barrow tunnel, people can have a second person stand on the inside of the barrows room to block you with darts/knives to completely negate your escape method. If this ends up happening you have to bait out an attack from the player standing above. Do note, if someone launches a barrage and you enter the tunnel you are instantly unfrozen and it is completely neutralized. Use this to your advantage. Try and stay above ground long enough to see the person standing there attack you, as the animation is going, instantly run down into the barrows room and enter your barrows tunnel. You will have just enough game ticks to be able to enter the tunnel without having the person with darts/knives attack you. 

3. Stay calm and focus on prayer switches

The key to escaping in barrows is keeping calm. If you panic and instantly start gobbling food, you are going to die 100%. But if you play it out right you have a very high chance of escaping if you know what you're doing and you brought proper equipment to tank. Choose a method to escape and live with that. You can't live every time so don't be discouraged if you do die. Those sexy ahrims top,skirt are totally worth it. 

4. Always keep a spade in your inventory

I know there is a spade that spawns in the shed near barrows and I know that ghouls can destroy some food, but just bring it. The extra 10-20 steps it takes to take a spade from the shed can be the difference between life and death. 

5. Check the chest room before entering

This is one of the less common ways of pking at barrows, but sometimes people sit in a corner of the chest room waiting for people rushing through chests to get their loot. Stop and take 2 seconds to make sure the coast is clear, it would be a shame if you were to die at this last phase of the trip


I hope this helps those on the fence of doing barrows. It really is worth it considering the equipment you bring may be 100k, but the loot possible can be 4m+. Remember, the tunnels in barrows are you friend, if you can reach them, you are safe. Thanks!

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Just now, Sword Rider said:

Awesome tips man. Hoping to start barrows soon and was wondering how people had been doing it. We should oganise a big8g barrows trip soon!

Thanks man, appreciate it. Going as a team to barrows would definitely be the safest option! Good luck.

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