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This is getting out of hand - please do not move

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idk what this is even about but im guessing its about splitting loot, it should depend on size of the pk trip if alot of ppl its impossible to share if like a couple of clanmates it can be done

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13 hours ago, Caught Ya said:

"solo with you" What? Do you know what solo means? 

You probably don't understand because you didn't read the post made by the person that started this thread. I'm not talking about CLAN WARS with 50+ people. I'm talking about the little pk trips people make with a few people which would be your definition of "soloing with people" or whatever. I wouldn't expect splits when we are mass pking but if you're going with a little group then for sure I want a split exactly like you said. If you read the first post you would have realised what I'm talking about.. didn't mention anything about clan pking with 50+ people.

lmao oh my bad, misunderstanding. 

Would've been easier to read first post if it didnt get deleted.......

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