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Post ur favorite spots to train

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You should be doing slayer once you can hit some decent damage!! otherwise it's sort of pointless as you aren't making any money/slay level for later cash.

Gnome guards are pretty awesome though, in the middle near the big tree so you can't get farcasted over the fence. I was getting around 220-250k exp hour there and thats in a safe zone! good luck.

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6 hours ago, THA BOOM said:

Hmm I may have to try yaks, a lot of pkers there?

I saw RoT hopping worlds there yesterday, they usually clear the world lol. If you're ranging it's a smart idea to stand outside the fence near the entrance. Cause they'll shut the gate on you if you're inside and run.

Paladins in ardy castle, Fremmennik guards in Rellakka, chaos druids in yanille dungeon (with lockpick shortcut). Moss giants north of Ardy used to be pretty good as well.

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