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Herblore or Slayer

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I'm struggling with this same question as well. I currently protect my 59 herblore 70 agil and 92 thiev (I know, probably the worst skills to pick right?) I collect all my own herbs at the Yanille dungeon chaos druids using the lockpick shortcut but it's just too slow. I might just drop agility in favor of slayer and just re grind every death, hey maybe then it'll be more incentive to not die right? lol.

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Protect slayer but train both. Too easy. Slayer provides the herbs, herblore makes them useful for more slayer.


Lots of people arent training non protected stats. I train everything! Just don't doe ;)

Also you can buy herblore levels with easy. Slayer is much longer and harder to train so should be protected over most other skills.

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