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Herblore or Slayer

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Calling all Herblore aficionado's - If you don't know what you're talking about sub-consciously but feel your fingers forcing letters into this post, feel free to boil your genitals in a bowl of hot tomato soup.


I'm currently 40 Herblore and would like to know if it's worth leveling up to 82 as, obviously the advantage is that I'd be self-sustained if I do this. I have to level my Def before I start this money making scheme, if I concentrate on cb levels now, hopefully the saradomin pots won't drop by much.

On the other hand; Slayer? I could level up my slayer and use that as my secondary money making and CB leveling skill but I feel like the risk is too high compared to Herblore where I can just camp varrok and make Bank.

I will get my defence up before I start this as being spec'd out in Varrok WBank would be easy pickinz'. 

Let me know what's worked for you...




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