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A use for tb, A solution to longevity of dmm?

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So i was thinking the other night while watching Rend's stream. I saw how many kids were running around in max mage and barrage, and I simply realized that there was no use for tb. So I did a little thinking and I came up with the idea that nonskullers have anywhere from 1-3 instant teleports a week. This teleport would put you in lumbridge, in the guarded area so pkers would be forbidden from using it. What this would effectively do to nonskullers is that they actually have a chance to escape. The pker would have to hit the entangle then the tb which is a minimum of 6 seconds, and with pray mage on entangle is 7.5 therefore the nonskuller would get a few extra steps in which can be the difference between life and death. Nothing is worse than dying right outside a safe zone which in most times is the case. (IE: teleing into rot trying to get to cammy bank) Teleporting into cammy getting barraged is ridiculous, im fine with rot pking in max, but it shouldnt be that only 1 spellbook is used in the game and every level 110+ has ahrims and barrage. Make a use for tb jagex

If you care to vote heres the strawpoll


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Edit: maybe the higher combat level you are, the more instant tps you unlock per week? this would boost peoples motivation to train up their stats because they would be essentially more safe, with more instant tps. Idk maybe 

1-70 cmb-1 instant tp per week

85 cmb - 2 instant tps

100 cmb - 3 instant tps

Obviously as u get to be a higher combat, your gear expenses increase which only makes sense for the instant tps to increase along the way. 3 instant tps isnt too many, but its just enough for the situations you cannot survive in. 

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I think this is actually a really good idea, it means you cant really die to ancients in single zones anymore (if theres 1 person) 3 is maybe too many but it can be rebalanced easily.. jagex should definately consider it

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This might be too OP and destroys a part of the game mode. The whole idea of deadman mode is that nowhere is safe, having instant tellies eliminates that danger (Atleast for the few times you could use it).

A second problem with this is that people will skull much less, and currently only a few high levels skull. The reason people would skull less is because of the danger that you attack someone, skull, and then just just tp straight out. Leaving you with a 30 min skull with 0 profit.

But i still think that ancient should be nerfed and/or somehow implement the other spell books further.

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