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If you have money + no time:

Alch + stun = 800k+ xp/h

If DT + MM done ( ice burst skeletons at MM island )


If you have no money

Splash method + autoclick to stay online
or just train with bolts  (chaos gaunlets very op ) at black demons/dragons

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Yeah it depends how you want to do it, you can do it the cheap but long way, or you can do it the expensive and short way. The methods listed above are some of the best, now you have to figure out which route you want to take.

Good luck man!

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Go to lava trips, splash, alch, stun, burst in ape atoll, burst in bandits, fire bolt alch in black demons and alch rune chains/meds

Also, my personal favorite, kill ice trolls and alch rune/mith warhammer, rune kite, granite shield, nature runes, raw sharks (noted), law runes, etc.

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