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DMM Money Making

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Don't make tabs it's a fucking pain in the ass. I got 57 construction thinking I'd be making bank since its relatively safe and pretty afk to do tabs in ur house. Nope, selling tabs takes FOREVER and I mean FOREVER. Most people buy 1-5 max, you'll be lucky if you have someone buy more than 10 at a time. You're also constantly fighting against other players trying to sell the exact same tabs as yours so people consistently undercut you to try and sell asap. Don't bother with teleport tabs, keep you blood pressure low.

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On 12/9/2015 at 5:39 PM, W A RNI N G said:

Depending on how much money you are down to, you could always buy a small amount of herbs or kill chaos druids for some, then either sell those or use herblore to make pots/profit. 

Yeah pretty good, and low req. North of ardy there's a good spot not too far away from safe zone

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