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DMM Money Making

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2 minutes ago, W A RNI N G said:

Depending on how much money you are down to, you could always buy a small amount of herbs or kill chaos druids for some, then either sell those or use herblore to make pots/profit. 

As someone who hasnt done herblore, what pots make money ?

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Prayer pots are one of the lowest herb lvl required pots where you can start to make a small profit. They also sell like they are going out of style which is nice. After there you can make super str/ super energy etc. 

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I'm making money off of Herblore, running the Snape Grass is risky but for my cb lvl 62 it's easy enough to grab my own grass and make prayer pots up to level 82... Good profit and levels.

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20 minutes ago, Taranis TD said:


1-Cooking sharks (amazing as you can merch it as well) - You can also sell when nobody is selling like 2-5 am and sell for 900gp-1k ea.

2- Making Tabs (500k-1m/hr) might sell tabs 5k ea if you sell at lumby where people die.

3- mage+diary+ crafting = lot of money eg. tanning hide spell or charging glory spell. 


Thanks, will add them to the list. Might givethe tabs a go, are they safe to make ?

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