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Cleared FL Again (serious-ish)

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I wanted to first off thank everybody that was there to help clear my old clan, and especially to Molly, I urged him to let us mass up and he called it right. Molly is a very good leader who understands the game and multi pking as a leader should. And with him and the help of his co-leaders they make up a pretty great leadership. It means a lot to me personally to have cleared them again, there entire clan talks shit all day and then we go to war them, now I got them asking me to join. And also a huge shoutout to all the intros and people that have applications posted, if you were with us it gives a big boost to your ego.


i also think we should implement pking ranks, such as shot caller, or atleast people who can be unmuted in the teamspeak. It was a little hard for people to communicate with the leaders when their are 40+ people there, and not wanting to annoying the leaders by poking them. I think people that can control themselves should be there to respond to the people that are in game. 


I hope you take this into consideration and thank you again, to everyone. #RoTsNext

Mixtured <3

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