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Best place for my house?

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Hey Guys,

As some of you know I've been hosting for my Gilded Altar quite a few times the last few days. 

At first I had my house in Rimmington, as it was just the starting location, people can just pay 1k for a house and use tabs or home tele to their house, leave and then enter mine. Which seems to work.


At the moment my house is in Rellekka, for some people this was optimal, as if anything goes wrong, in or outside of the house, they are within viewing distance of the Rellekka safe zone. Where as Rimmy is not, and is through multi to the nearest safe zone. (Though you could use a charter to escape)

The issue with Rellekka is that to get there with minimal risk you would need 30 construction to move your house there. Little to no people have that option. We all know Camelot teleporting is risky af at times. Luckily this has not been an issue to anyone yet. Also as it is so far away from many peoples teleports the only safe option would be for them to make a one risk trip, stay in my house while I run bones for them, which has worked fine so far.

I will also use my Rellekka location a lot when I start fishing and using the Seer deposit, which I have already done one long drunken extended trip of.

So my question is, where would the optimal house location be in order to help the clan?

I am thinking of moving back to Rimmington, and moving it to Rellekka any time I want to go fishing up there (as I have just seen it's 10k, not the 30k i initially thought.) Only issue being when I eventually stop protecting construction, over time it will drop below the required level 30 to move my house there. Someone told me that if my level drops below 30 it will automatically be moved back to rimmy anyway, but I don't think there is confirmation on this. 

The construction skills abilities and reactions are still very unknown in Deadman mode. Not sure what will happen to certain items when my level drops low.

I will be hosting whenever people need it, and will do big hosts on the weekends for as many people as required.


Cheers! Let me know what you think.

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Would they be running to and from Seers bank?? More than happy to run bones one on one for people, as I can tp straight to my house and there is 100% no risk. But for larger groups that would be difficult haha.

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People need to get 30 construction for safest way to use altar. It takes literally not even 20 mins to get. Everyone should get it. An alternative maybe if you are down...people could pay you to bone run for them/inv. Like i would pay 5k-10k an inv. For 70 pray thats paying you like over 100-200k in 20 mins. not bad if you ask me.

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Relleka would be best in my opinion. Not only is it a very common spot for houses (except from rimington ofc), but it's also very close to safezone. Running from Seer's is always pretty safe since no1 skulls south of rellecka, since everyone wants the yak or rockcrab killers. The only  negative about relleka is the fact that you can't unnote your bones (?) , but this can be fixed with you unnoting them through a butler. You could also buy loads of bones for the account and sell it for more then you buy for, I'd definetly pay you atleast 400 extra per bone which makes you get some money for hosting it aswell.

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