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Best way to get money?

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Nothing beats pking for potential gp per hour in Deadman. One kill could net 30gp, or it could yield 30m. So I'd say pking is the best money maker. But for consistency and a staple money making method it would be Zulrah/Wyverns. 

For me so far, the best money making method I have found for 100% SAFE only is making teletabs.

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Depends or where you are at the game but some examples are; theiving nats, chaos druids, green- blue and black dragons, wyverns, barrows, abby demons, zulrah.


And for skilling you have, magic trees, sharks, potions, rc, runite ore with more

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Best method is pking, but I assume you mean consistent moneymaking method. I'd suggest  thieving in guarded areas, or Wyverns/Abyssal demons/Zulrah if you're after big profit with quite a bit of risk involved.

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Depends on how much you care about dying.


Slayer- High risk, High Reward, Medium Time Risk: Slayer is a very good one because of 3 reasons. The first is that you can train combat at the same time. Second is that you get high amount of money. And third is that you get high value items which can be put directly into your deposit-box.

Hunter - Medium-high risk, medium-high reward: Doing puro puro will make this very dangerous since a lot of clans camp it. If you want to keep the net and jar with you at all times this can be a relatively safe and good moneymaking, but a bit inconsistent.

Crafting- Medium risk/Or time in varrock, Medium Reward: Getting your own hide will be a  bit dangeorus, but it will increase the gp/hour you get tremendously. Buying hides and selling finished gear is good money, but risky to tan the hides.

Construction- No risk, Medium reward: This is currently a very good way of making money. Tabs. By using home tele you can have 0 risk, and still get decent gp/hour.

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