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Taking over puro puro

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I know I'm not yet a member but I still want to put this forward because I think it is a good idea and a decent money maker and just some good fun.

The aim:  To over take puro-puro in all worlds both killing anyone within the area and for the high lvl hunters to catch the imps. (Simple enough) 

Requirments : lvl 17 hunter 


This might seem like a petty guide but even going to puro myself I have made easily over 6 mil and with 10 or so people killing the people entering the area and some high lvl hunters force spawning on all the worlds we would be making decent bank for almost no risk. If we need to bail however we could just bail out of the crop circle and go into dranor where it is multi and just finished anyone we want.



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Splitting the members over all worlds would be ineffective and quite dangerous. It is though a nice idea to gather up a group of hunters to secure a puro puro world or two for an hour or so. You can also take the iniative in doing this, go into some of the channels and do a quick question if anyone wants to join.

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3 minutes ago, Joux said:

Puro Puro is such a nice place to kill people, cause the people legit hunting imps don't have much invy space to fight back, makes for easy kills.

Along with this if a few people with 83 hunter (like myself) where there just getting imps and banking get supplies etc I think we would be making quite a bit of cash.

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2 hours ago, Jamiejoe said:

I know I'm not yet a member but I still want to put this forward because I think it is a good idea and a decent money maker and just some good fun.

The aim:  To over take puro-puro in all worlds both killing anyone within the area and for the high lvl hunters to catch the imps. (Simple enough) 

Requirments : lvl 17 hunter 


This might seem like a petty guide but even going to puro myself I have made easily over 6 mil and with 10 or so people killing the people entering the area and some high lvl hunters force spawning on all the worlds we would be making decent bank for almost no risk. If we need to bail however we could just bail out of the crop circle and go into dranor where it is multi and just finished anyone we want.



I guess its a good place tho its a deadplace i would say takeover the whole place that lost city. Or Ape a toll is a good place

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