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Quick ways to rebuild

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On ‎2015‎-‎12‎-‎06 at 0:02 PM, 0mnitored said:

Hey guys, I am kinda trying to get those 10 post counts so thought a small quick guide about how to rebuild in deadman mode would be a great thing to start with ;)

As we all know, the best moneymaking method is pking, but it's not that easy after loosing bank during a pk trip, so here are some skill-based rebuild methods that might make you stay in deadmanmode after death:

1: Flip (SAFE)

Low balance = low income

High balance = high income

Simply learn the prices of stuff in w345 and buy the items when you see someone trying to quicksell (try to sell quickly for a price below the common one) their items. Made 40k in 12 minutes with buying and selling bone bolts with a 30k cashstack :)

2: Herblore (SAFE)

Every good pker needs potions, and this is a chance for the rebuilders. Now as you have the abbility and money, train your herblore level up as much as possible, to be able to create potions later on. Buying a snape grass for 350 gp, a herb for 2k and selling the pray pot for 4-4,5k easy 2k profit each, and people buy potions 24/7. This is also a greadt adventage when you are going to pk, as you save approx 35% of the cost of potions by making them yourself instead of buying them from merchs in vwest.

3: Dragons (NOPE, NOT SAFE)

If you had 30k in deposit box or approx that value left in bank while having great combat stats, this would be a nice option to rebuild with. Killing mithril or blue dragons gives you at least 5k each kill, and they aren't that hard to kill, just bring some lobs with you and of course an anti-fire shied ;) Although this isn't a safe way to rebuild since many players would skull their 10m+ acc for getting those 10 juicy dragon bones so rethink this before actually deciding to choose this as your method for getting wealth back.


I hope this helps someone, if yes I will add more better options soon. Could not add them now as I am rebuilding myself after 11 failed desert treasure attempts.. (Thanks AC and RoT)

Gl with rebuilding ;) -0mni



Keep getting to like 102 cmb, then I get killed by RoT.. -.-

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Cool post. I agree for the most part, however, herblore only starts making money once you can make prayer potions. Besides you need money to pay for the supplies. I'd also recommend going to waterbirth island and picking up snape grass and depositing it with peer the seer( you either needed to start, not finish, fremennik trials or have the easy task done). Snape grass is 450gp each so you can easily make 200k+. 

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Sounds like a shabby idea but, 

Go to edgeville, get the agility for the agility shortcut and leave 4-8 Inventory slots, pick up high level herbs and quick deposit bank. 

Bring sharks and brews, easy tank to the shortcut. 

Also get easy clues from the men and spam them, take them to entrana.

I made ~5m doing this in the second week of deadman. 

Zammy pages for days and herbs for days.

Surprisingly, Earth talismans were really popular because city PKing was still relatively new, so I sold a bunch of those 2-10k each.

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