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Twice today there have been arguments in the cc about a player leaving the cc while on pk trips and killing a person, then joining back later. Although the person arguing got kicked for being immature they did have a good point. As AC has been getting publicity and more people coming into the cc there tends to be players that just sit in the chat. They sit in the cc and think they're in the clan or don't want to bother introing and try and use our cc as protection from us. An easy solution is if everyone was required to change their name to AC or we could have a private cc for intros (like me), because when I go out on trips I leave the Sp33dy chat. I myself once I become a full member will change my name to AC to prevent this grey area of attack or do not attack from happening. I only bring this up on the forums now because no member in the cc clarified what was suppose to be done in these situations. Please respond on what should intros or others should do when we pk. NOT kill people in the open cc OR leave cc and accidentally kill other members?

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5 minutes ago, Mikedonald said:

You shouldnt be in the Public CC for pk events or (trips) use other CCS aswell.

When people leave the CC they pk fellow intros or members to the clan on accident which leads to conflict.

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Happend to me today too, saw a purple dot and continued mining, suddenly it became white and R.I.P me. Although I can't think of a good solution to this because the players changing their tags to AC might not become accepted into clan, and others might abuse this protection just by adding that AC tag in their name and walking around without risk of dying...

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The best thing to do is have a closed CC. Only people with ranked can be in it. It's a bit more harsh but you can weed out a lot of people that might do this. I personally haven't joined the AC CC yet since I don't feel like it's right since I'm not a 100% member and only around forums right now.  

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I was in the CC when this happend,

You guys have to realize that "Sp33dy20" is an open CC..


Example: Rot kids with random names join the CC & start killing 2-3 people who are in the CC.

In one second people will start spamming the CC that there are people bsing.. which is not the case (They are no AC members)

Keep in mind that the CC is just to communicate, & it does not protect you from anything! Even from purple dots.

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14 minutes ago, TipsyPK said:

When people leave the CC they pk fellow intros or members to the clan on accident which leads to conflict.

happened to me early on

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^Agree with you Sharbati4, although a member that actually IS a member of the clan with the AC tag and rank in clanchat that leaves the open cc to kill a member in it doesn't sound really friendly to me :/ 

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1 minute ago, Sharbati4 said:

I was in the CC when this happend,

You guys have to realize that "Sp33dy20" is an open CC..


Example: Rot kids with random names join the CC & start killing 2-3 people who are in the CC.

In one second people will start spamming the CC that there are people bsing.. which is not the case (They are no AC members)

Keep in mind that the CC is just to communicate, & it does not protect you from anything! Even from purple dots.

So is this a pass for me to kill all purple dots that I don't recognise as a part of the clan? because I wouldn't know the difference as they are mixed in the cc with members/ randoms

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