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Ice Poseidon Stream

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35 minutes ago, Lukeity said:

I'm not accusing anything, I'm just saying what actually happened. I lost 5m when I died. We were actively searching for ROT, then everyone runs when we actually find ROT. Dan shouldn't of banned Ice either way you look at it. Please give me one good reason banning Ice was a good idea. 5000 active people is good advertising for AC, and in return it made the clan look bad.

The one good reason for banning Ice, was that he was leading AC into RoT. Tandyy said RoT was at Canifis prior to Dan kicking Ice. If he was kicked earlier, only 1/4th of AC would've followed Ice to Canifis. Stop crying. 

20 minutes ago, Lukeity said:

Maybe because the whole of the teamspeak suggested it?

The TeamSpeak at this point consisted of Friend ranks and Intros who was hungry to be heard on Ice Poseidons stream. 
No mod or actual AC leader was calling out anything at any point because there were none present!
Everyone who died brought it upon themselves. 

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28 minutes ago, SH4NK_UR_N4N said:

The one good reason for banning Ice, was that he was leading AC into RoT. Tandyy said RoT was at Canifis prior to Dan kicking Ice. If he was kicked earlier, only 1/4th of AC would've followed Ice to Canifis. Stop crying. 

The TeamSpeak at this point consisted of Friend ranks and Intros who was hungry to be heard on Ice Poseidons stream. 
No mod or actual AC leader was calling out anything at any point because there were none present!
Everyone who died brought it upon themselves. 

Sounds reasonable.

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This whole thing was just an unfortunate event.  Bad things happen, and yes, we're all mad and tensions are high, but at the end of the day, we must stand together.  We all joined for a reason right?  To beat RoT?  Then let's keep fighting and train up so one day, we can wipe them from the face of DMM!

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