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DMM Bosses

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4 hours ago, Richworth said:

Yes I live pvming alot. Since bosses like sara/ arma arent that hard to range against in a team it should be playable.

It was disscussed last night on TS about doing an Arma trip if poeple get all the requirments, I think it would e really good!

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On ‎2015‎-‎12‎-‎05 at 0:54 PM, Deadly Bewes said:

Is it worth teaming up as a community to try and take on some of the bosses such as callisto to make some money ? There used to be a safespot method not sure if still valid though..

Thoughts ?

I would definitely like to start bossing, or even massing a gwd.

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10 hours ago, Deadly Bewes said:

It was disscussed last night on TS about doing an Arma trip if poeple get all the requirments, I think it would e really good!

I got the req's just not enough power to solo ro duo it. With a team would be the best

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