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Zulrah Deposit Chest

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Hey I was wondering about how Zulrah Depo Chest works when you die... I know you can grab your stuff back from it later; however, I'm unsure how long you have to grab your stuff. For example, is it possible to purposely die with a spare PK gear set and grab it much later if you ever die and need some rebuild gear? I haven't done Zulrah before so I'm not sure how that chest works :) Would appreciate some information!

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30 minutes ago, Axe Leathan said:

You have an unlimited amount of time, however, if you die before you make it back to claim your gear it will be lost.

Yea, that's it. No point in having items on there if you lose them on death anyways :P

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Believe Jagex intentionally disabled storage for Zulrah for this very reason.  They hard wanted only 10 items you could safe-deposit, and thus did what they did for Zulrah.

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