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     Hello everyone. For those of you that don't know me or have talked to me on TS im deadman ac / skurger.

     I have made many mistakes in my life. Real life issues and online issues. I have betrayed friends before, I have broken many friendships, I have been hateful on purpose, I have had malicious intents, I am human.

     I have learned from my errors and mistakes. With those mistakes and learning from them I have a certain amount of knowledge. Not saying I am more intelligent the others. However, if I can help others that may be going towards those mistakes themselves I want to help!

I am creating this post to help the community. Literally help, in any way shape or form. If you need help with homework, I got you. Need advice regarding real life problems and need someone to just listen, I got you. group training? I got you.

     I will do my best to help out our community in any way possible. I keep my pm off in game most times so if you just shoot me a poke on teamspeak or just come chat with me. I encourage any and everyone in the clan to become more active on forums ( which is where I struggle ) and in game. Please Idle in teamspeak when possible, and remember to vote on applications and comment on Intro's.

    Hope everyone is getting excited for christmas and the holidays! Best of wishes to the community.

Kind regards,


Edited by DeadMan Ac
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5 minutes ago, iDoLikeDrugs said:

nice post dude.

Thanks very much :) I appreciate the kind words.

5 minutes ago, d3vil151 said:

you sound like a nice person :) keep it up mate

Why thank you, I try my best!

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8 minutes ago, Enjoy Maulin said:

Ur a nice person man! It's good to help other people out. If i will be a member i think we can have a nice conversation together :)

You dont have to be a member to have a conversation with bud. Anytime.

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