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102 CMB Dropped

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While fishing in Catherby today a regular fishing raid happened. As I was sitting a skulled player who was getting barraged by a 102 I noticed that I was just dds'd. I was quite confused as I noticed the 102 accidentally skulled on me. I immediatley began to attack back with only 2 brews, 1 stamina, 1 prayer pot and sharks on me. At first I was nervous since I knew he could easily just of fought me and killed me. Luckily he was too shocked he began to run, one other person chased him with me. After around 7 minutes of chasing the other player who was with me did the last damage. I luckily got the key and got some juicy loot with it.

I forgot to screeny the key but it was 4m. 

yes thats a veracs flail btw


Edited by MOBBING
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