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Hybrid Pking Tips

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Sp33dy was talking about making a singles team, so like many other I have been grinding levels and practicing hybriding on private severs in hopes to get better. I have always found myself a good enough hybrid to go pking pre EOC and in Oldschool but the deadman aspect bring a whole new level to the game. So I feel the need to better my skills to be a valuable member to a single team! 

Personally I know I need to use hot keys to make my switches fast however I don't know if there is a better way then using the "F" keys for doing this. If someone could fill me in on my best option I would greatly appreciate it!

As well if anyone has little tips to help like gear setup, pking strategies, inventory setup, timing hits, tanking properly, etc then feel free to post it! Both myself and many other clan members would benefit =)

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On 3-12-2015 00:41:40, Jay said:

"F" keys are really important when bridding for prayer switching/taking off armor/switching to spell book so it's really good to learn even for pvming such as zulrah


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