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Salarin the Twisted - Mage Training / Money Making Method

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This method is how I trained to 94 mage pretty easily and it didn't cost too much.


  • 67 Agility
  • 55 Mage
  • Nature Runes and Alchables
  • Mind Runes / Air Runes
  • Fire Staff
  • Slashing Wep / Knife


Salarin is a mini boss located in the Yanille dungeon. If you use fire strike on him, it will always max to a 12. He also drops Sinister keys which you can use on the chest inside the dungeon right next to the monkey bars. The Sinister keys give you torstols and a mix of other herbs which can sell for quite a large amount.

You basically fire strike him and alch which gives around 450-500k xp per hour. Once he is dead, you kill the chaos druids around him while waiting for him to respawn. He respawns every 15 or so seconds. Make sure you are alching and fire striking in unison.


How to get away: There is an altar right after the monkey bars. If you are getting attacked, you can pray on the altar and it will send you down to a trap room filled with spiders. You can either try to bait the PKer into using the altar or simply just go down and run to the stairs which will take you to another set of stairs leading outside.



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