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So I was trying to gauge which is the best for a player owned house for: making tele tabs w/ noted clay, training construction (w/ or without noted planks), and for convenience of teleport.

Simply in my opinion, here's what I've found:

  • Rimmington for training construction (to un-note planks @ the general store). [closest safe spot is Void Knight Outpost at Port Sarim (fairly close)]
  • Relleka to make tele tabs because it's safer for the considerable amount of b4nk you must have on you. [closest safe spot is relleka (extremely close)]
  • Taverley for convenience of teleport, due to avoiding running through north Falador multi zone, and avoiding Burthrope games tele as well [closest safe spot is Falador?]

please note: in order to fully utilize the Relleka portal to it's full potential, Fremenik Trials must be completed and Fremenik Isles started in order to gain access to Jatizso and Neitiznot Banks. As well as a sweet training spot.

Please let me know what you all think, what your opinions are, and if I'm missing something. I look forward to the responses :D Thanks!


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For a gilded altar, Rimmington to un-note the dragon bones for fast XP; however, I'm not really qualified to answer the question or give suggestions/recommendations on a multi-purpose POH for the clan as I'm not yet accepted into the clan, and I don't know all the spots where AC occupies the most/spends the most time.

The reason why I wouldn't suggest Relleka even though it's safer is due to the Fremenik Trials quest requirement to use the nearby banks.

Rimmington/south Fally POH for the guilded altar is also good because if pursuers show up, Fally multi would be a good place to snipe them.

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I think Relleka would be best for the altar house. Rimmington would work but there's high potential for pkers to show up. Although it probably wouldn't be that big of a deal.

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