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Money Making Method


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Hey Guys i wanted to share another $$ Making Method i do Like, its a bit of Risky but its easy to Escape aswel if you have a greegree,


Requirements: Monkey Madness

some kind of Monkey GreeGree

a Good Amount of Cash 

Probs not lvl 50cb? ^^


Go to Ape Atoll, and just transform into a monkey and buy d scimmys 100k ea, if a clan shows up, just stay in middle of there 4-5 archers just where the  Scimitar Monkey is, if anybody transform they will be attacked by the ninjas and sent to jail, the 2nd escape is where the entrance is and the archers wait for you at the big door, run there and just camp infront of the door, if anybody transforms and prays range they wil stil be sent to jail aswel :-)  so take a invent of food and up to 2.8m cash and  go buy 1-28 d scimmys, for 100kea / i make 15k -25k profit each scimmy which means 1 Trip = a shit ton of Cash win :) i do it with a small team so if anybody got some close m8t's you can also ask them




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I havent ran into any clan yet once i ran into 2 Pkers around lvl 90, which right transformed into normal players and got sent to jail xD i just home teleported as soon as they were in jail


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That's risky as hell, what if you get pked at the entrance of the island if you forget to bring an Ape Atoll teleport?  Easy for people to pile at the entrance where you get onto the island from Lumdo and just 100-0 you as soon as you appear.


A method I used to use was the Nardok bone bolt merchant.  Sure, it's risky, but super easy to avoid pkers by simple logging out a little far west of the multi-zone, so that way when you log in, you have to walk east and then can see ahead of time if there's white dots there (and if pkers).  This removes the risk and lets you convert bone bolts from ~4.2gp per bolt to 9-12gp a bolt (depends on supply/demand at the time).

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5 minutes ago, Jasmine said:

That's risky as hell, what if you get pked at the entrance of the island if you forget to bring an Ape Atoll teleport?  Easy for people to pile at the entrance where you get onto the island from Lumdo and just 100-0 you as soon as you appear.


A method I used to use was the Nardok bone bolt merchant.  Sure, it's risky, but super easy to avoid pkers by simple logging out a little far west of the multi-zone, so that way when you log in, you have to walk east and then can see ahead of time if there's white dots there (and if pkers).  This removes the risk and lets you convert bone bolts from ~4.2gp per bolt to 9-12gp a bolt (depends on supply/demand at the time).

this is true actually, you can get attacked at any point on the island before you get in aswell

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2 minutes ago, Zillez said:

this is true actually, you can get attacked at any point on the island before you get in aswell

True we avoided that by trading over the cash to one guy and then we went there all and the one with the cash stood on the "Start" :D

For me it's a Epic Money Making Method

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