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Selling lvl 115

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$100 if it's by today (really want to buy my brother a gift via online shipping to save me form having to go to the actual store)


I've been looking on websites and it seems this account is worth ~$220

If the ban meter is 0 along with the mute meter being exeptionally low, I will buy it tomorrow.

Contact me via IRC -    |Ice|    -  OR -   on Team-Speam3  Ice|Bubble.

I will make sure I am on at 9:30pm(EST) tomorrow


We will talk then on TeamSpeak.




EDIT: Also, please post a pic of its skilling stats :)  I dont rlly care bout skilling, but its always good to see lol ^.

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If the ban meter is 0 along with the mute meter being exeptionally low, I will buy it tomorrow.

Contact me via IRC -    |Ice|    -  OR -   on Team-Speam3  Ice|Bubble.

I will make sure I am on at 9:30pm(EST) tomorrow


We will talk then on TeamSpeak.




EDIT: Also, please post a pic of its skilling stats :)  I dont rlly care bout skilling, but its always good to see lol ^.


262axjp.pngLet me know if you're still interested so I can activate memberships to show you the levels. (Can't check high scores for levels at the moment because it's f2p)

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