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Selling lvl 115

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Hey guys,

Reason I havn't been on is because I have been busy with college. As most of you know I was banned on September and lost my level 125 but then my real life friend gave me his level 115. I tried to play on it but RuneScape didn't feel the same. 


Leave some legit offers if you are interested. I know I have been inactive and I am willing to bet some of the new member don't even know who I am but I think some members in this community can vouch for me.



90 attack, strength, attack, range

92 Hitpoints

85 Prayer

94 Magic

1600+ Total Level

200+ Quest Points

~~~ There is little to no value on the account, but it still has its non-tradeables~~~~~

I HAVE A 30 day RUNESCAPE MEMBERSHIP CARD for whoever buys it.

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whats your price offer? - I may be willing

$100 if it's by today (really want to buy my brother a gift via online shipping to save me form having to go to the actual store)


I've been looking on websites and it seems this account is worth ~$220

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