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Hey, so I was wondering what works on DMM for stall-rushing at the moment. I know humidify used to work, praying at altars slightly stall you, and vengeance as well does the trick slightly. Back in the old days bullroarers worked to stall as well. Just wondering on any stall-info ya'al have/would like to share, thanks!

(btw, for those of you guys who don't know what stalling or stall-rushing is, it's when you perform an animation and attempt to run somewhere but stops you momentarily, then causes a quick burst in speed to catch up.) <><>this method is mostly only used for melee/melee combo's... ice blitz-whip/dds stacks are considered a combo/stall rush<><>

I find this would be quite the useful information to avoid protection prayers/catch people off guard when solo pking if one has the strength level appropriate to 2 hit someone. 

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it allows those who use melee to perform an emote to 'stall' or halt, otherwise known as 'stall glitching' to run extremely fast and spec someone from across the map. It's not necessarily an issue because it's been a thing since 2005 and is still in the game to date, just wondering which emotes are available and the most efficient for this. With dragon claws, you can use the stalls to begin your attack from the other side of the minimap and people protect range/mage because your melee hits are as far away as a farcaster would be.

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I'll have to try the slayer bell, humidify from the lunar spellbook was a huuuuge one. If you could possibly combine humidify and the slayer bell, it may be possible to DDS someone out from across the minimap. It may sound like cheating/glitching, but back in edgy pking it had a bit of a noble purpose; to spec out rushers/pjers who had a chance to toggle their protection prayers. No disrespect to rushers though, I was a dds/max str rusher, normal pker, brid, so I understand that anything goes in the wildy and that leads me to the topic of stall glitching (which hasn't been fixed by Jagex since Runescape was released (and is very well known)). Thanks for everyone's response. In deadman mode, I hope this may have a use for maxed strength pkers to snipe skulled pkers in 1v1, because pkers are very likely to hit the pray the second they see a dot on the map, or if the whole clan is planning an attack, the meleers can coordinate with the rangers so everyone attacks halfway through the emote, that way meleers and rangers/mages all hit at the exact same time.

*** for any who would like an example, here's a sHItty rUShing video recorded on my shitty potato :)  (I started the video @ 6:44 for the best examples)


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